Crown of the Continent Geotourism MapGuideCrown of the Continent Geotourism MapGuide-Theme Side Crown of the Continent Geotouism MapGuide- Destination Side

Crown of the Continent Geotourism 

The Crown of the Continent Geotourism Council is a regional network of communities, tourism bureaus, conservation and business groups, educators, First Nations, government agencies, and others working together in the region that includes and surrounds Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park in southwestern Alberta, southeastern British Columbia, and northwestern Montana. Established in 2007, the partnership’s focus to date has been collaboration with National Geographic Society on the Crown of the Continent Map Guide and the Crown of the Continent Geotourism website.

Crown of the Continent Geotourism MapGuide

This unique map, based upon nominated sites, experiences, events and stories submitted by local residents, describes what’s special about this place and what people are doing to keep it that way. The intended audience includes both local residents and visitors who seek to sustain and enhance the distinctive geographic character of this place.

Order a free copy of map here. Feel free to email the Project Coordinator for more information.