April 12,
2017, 4 – 6 pm
Location: Flathead
Conservation District, 133 Interstate Ln, Kalispell
Attendees: Denny Olson, Kathy Martin, Monica Elser, Carolan
Coughlin, Brian Schwartz, Teresa Wenum, Sheena Pate, Cynthia Ingelfinger, Laura
General Updates
¯ Computer/website committee updates:
á Laura and Sheena
reported on the fixed malware issue. Go Daddy was helpful but it cost $170 for
the 911 fix and another $71 for the annual Sitelok fee to protect it from
future issues. Cynthia was going to look into what FCD uses for malware
protection and let Laura know. Hosting fees are paid through 2020.
á Laura is going to
contact Kate Arpin ([email protected], 406-596-0813) about
possibly updating the siteÕs theme. Asta BowenÕs
Externship program might have a student who could help with website updates as
well. Carolan is sending Laura that information. We should remove the front-end
login feature for security reasons.
á Cynthia joined the Website CommitteeJ
á Sheena requested photos from peopleÕs education events for
the website.
á Google Analytics will be added to the website.
Forest For Every Classroom
Planning (FFEC).
The community meeting was held on Mar. 16th, 4:30-7:30, at the Flathead
National Forest Service Office. 22 people attended and it was a very successful
brainstorming session. They are still looking for a nonprofit fiscal partner.
Laura, Teresa and Melissa are meeting with Carolan and Cliff from MCC on
Friday. Foys to Blacktail and FVCCÕs Foundation are other possible partners.
The partner needs to be determined by the end of May at the latest. The first
workshop would be help at the end of April, 2018 so the recruitment would begin
at the start of school in Sept, 2017 with the framework, dates and locations
all set.
Project Learning Tree Educator
á 30 educators attended the all-day
workshop at the Flathead Lutheran Bible Camp on April 8th.
Citizens for a Better Flathead is organizing Earth Day on April 22nd at
the Whitefish Middle School. Many CORE representatives will be there with
Youth Global Service Day is April 22 at Kalispell Middle School (106
NW Lane) 10 – 2pm. Center for Restorative Youth Justice is organizing.
MCC will have a booth for volunteer opportunities. Contact Carolan ([email protected]) if you have information about youth
Montana Environmental Educators
Conference was Mar. 9th and 10th, 2017 in Helena.
Arbor Day is April 28th, and Kalispell Parks and Rec. is
sponsoring the event for 3rd graders at Kids Sport in Kalispell. They are
looking for adult volunteers to help plant trees. Let Teresa or Rick Moore know
if you are interested.
Columbia Falls Arbor Day Celebration is on May 5th at
Columbus Park. Glacier Gateway 5th graders will be involved.
The 28th Annual EXPO is May 1-5th this
year, Family Day is the 6th.
FVCCÕs Bio Blitz is May 13 Ruth Wrightsman is coordinating, 406-756-3878 rwrightsman@fvcc.ed
Trunk Workshop:
Last year we had a lot sign up but only about half showed up. If
this is a trend, perhaps we consider a small fee ($10).
Save the date for the 2017 Trunk workshop on Thursday, October
19th. MEAÕs PIR day workshop is in Missoula this year so hopefully
we wonÕt lose teachers to that event.
Denny has a new trunk to showcase; Lone PineÕs Americorp member,
Casey, is creating a new trunk; and Flathead Lakers may have a new one as well.
FCDÕs Rolling Rivers Trailer may be able to come if the weather is good.
Sheena and Cynthia are organizing this yearÕs Trunk Workshop
We will scope Lone Pine as a possible location for the workshop
when we visit for our May CORE meeting.
Eliza Sorte-Thomas ([email protected]) is moving on to be a
professor at FVCC and may be able to help us tap into teachers in training for
Watershed Education Committee
á The 2nd Edition has been
printed and is available for distribution. Lori has asked for a list of
specific Middle School teachers (5-8th grade) who might be
interested in addition to the 1st editionÕs distribution list. Send
the names to Lori, Teresa or Valerie.
á The Curriculum is going through final
Round Robin
Denny - Audubon
Denny has been busy with birding workshops and classes, the new
Wetland Birds trunk, booths at Earth Day, Arbor Day, Expo, new partnerships
including with Ravenswood on a Language of Birds workshop at Owen Sowerwine on
May 13 9-4pm and on a new 2018 Phenology Calendar due out soon.
Brian – Lone Pine, FWP
Lone Pine has a new curriculum for outdoor education where Casey
(Americorp) does a classroom presentation followed by teacher led trail
outings. 12 teachers came for a related training with continuing education
credit recently
May 13th is the start of FWP State Park Peak season.
The Archery trail is open and Lone Pine is expanding into
evening programs with ElizabethÕs extended hour (Ballroom dancing date nights)
Kathy – Hockaday
Kathy distributed the recent Art Matters publication with new
summer classes including two that are in partnership with Kalispell Parks and
Hockaday got a grant to support two summer internships (one
education oriented and one to research for the 50th anniversary of
the museum). They didnÕt get any applicants and are now opening it up to High
School seniors. Cynthia will send Kathy a list of contacts for the local High
School career counselors and we will add internships to the CORE website
Cynthia - FCD
FCD is involved with a lot of upcoming educational programs
(Whitefish Legacy Partners, Whitefish Lake Institute, Flathead Lakers at the
Biological Station, Arbor Day booth, Expo Riparian Station, Rolling Rivers
Trailer at Hedges School and Summit Prep, Era of Megafires table)
Education Grants are due June 10th; 2 College
Scholarships were awarded, and Camp scholarship applications are due May 1st
(Range Camp, Glacier Institute, Natural Resources Camp) See:
Teresa – Flathead NF
The Summit House Nature Center season ended the middle of March
and will reopen on June 17th until Labor Day. It is open daily 10am
- 5pm. Contact Teresa at 758-5218 for information.
She is looking for 6 students (ages 15-18 years) for this yearÕs
Youth Conservation Corp. Four have applied so far. The deadline is Friday.
Sheena – Crown of Continent
Sheena will be at the Earth Day event
SheÕs been talking to Savannah about a Glacier Discovery
Center/ChildrenÕs Museum idea for PreK-K. Savannah may come to the May meeting.
Monica – FLBS
Science on Tap has been going well. It is the 1st
Tuesday of every month. It will have a new summer location to help handle
increased attendance.
AIS informational sessions have been held around the valley and
there are 30 sampling stations to collect E-DNA samples.
They are looking for grant money for K-12 educational supplies
and equipment (Cynthia suggested FCDÕs Education grants)
MT Geographic Alliance has a giant traveling map of MT. ([email protected]) FLBS is interested in a map of the
Flathead Valley focused on water and watershed. They are applying for a grant.
Wiki Watershed is an initiative of Stroud Water
Research Center. Model My Watershed is a
watershed-modeling Web app that enables citizens, conservation practitioners,
municipal decision-makers, educators, and students to:
¤ Analyze real land use and soil data
in their neighborhoods and watersheds
¤ Model stormwater runoff and
water-quality impacts using professional-grade models
¤ Compare how different conservation or
development scenarios could modify runoff and water quality
¤ And there is a middle school/High
school curriculum that has been developed for it
FLBS is offering a Wilderness 1st aid class on April
22, 23 and there is still room. Contact Lida Nitz at the station if youÕre
FLBS is also doing research on the importance of gravelly stream
beds in the region and will be involved in the Nyack Bio Blitz
Carolan - MCC
MCC is training leaders now, and hiring kids and leaders for
summer programs. 14-18 year olds participate in Expedition Crews and 15-18 year
olds on YCC crews. In 2017, there will be 8 adult crews and 8 youth crews. If
people want to come visit the crews on site, MCC is looking for professionals
to come talk about their work and possibly do some natural history education.
Laura – GNP
The summer teacher workshop is being help the week of June 26th.
Response has been great so far but they are still accepting applications. It is
a 4-day program.
Call for Materials: Please provide updated outreach
information for outreach events. You can give them to Teresa or bring them to
the May 24th meeting. Laura will add the call for information to the
next meeting announcement email.
May 24th – Lone Pine – 4:00 pm